Thiothiazole, an organic compound, is 4-methyl-5- (β - hydroxyethyl) thiazole. It is a light yellow liquid with no volatility; Non flammable and explosive materials; Non corrosive; non-toxic. Dissolved in organic solvents such as alcohols, ethers, benzene, chloroform, etc., but with particularly high solubility in water, it has an unpleasant odor of thiazole compounds. However, at extremely low concentrations, it has a pleasant fragrance and can form hydrochloride salts dissolved in water and alcohols with HCl. Thiothiazole is the basic structural ring of vitamin VB1 and an important intermediate for the synthesis of VB1. At the same time, it is also a valuable spice. It has a nutty bean flavor, milk flavor, egg flavor, meat flavor, and is used in nuts, milk flavor meat, and seasoning essence.